Over the last 5 months I have been conducting an "Action Research" with one of my classes, investigating the use of a maths resilience toolkit to help overcome maths anxiety.
The class consisted of 8 people, one of whom has left, and another has replaced them. All of these students are over 18, ranging in age from 21 to 59, a mixture of men and women.
For privacy reasons I have changed the names of all of the students, and will refer to them in my subsequent posts as: Janice, Mathilde, Ariana, Amina, Seye, Savannah, Anthony and Zipporah.
An action research is a form of research that is linked to direct practice; in my case, performing a research on the class that I myself am teaching. I have gained permission from all of my students to be involved in this study and they feel quite privileged to be engaged in something that will hopefully help many others to overcome maths anxiety.
I will be sharing our experiences through this blog in the Action Research category, and telling some of the stories of the students as I go. Please come on this journey with us and learn together!