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It was a relief when my teacher started talking about maths anxiety, I discovered I am not alone and it took the pressure off


I always was scared of being behind and not catching up with other students


I used to see mixed up numbers in maths problems and felt really stupid. But I am not stupid – my brain can’t learn when I am scared


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Maths Anxiety

"Maths Anxiety", or "Fear of Maths", is a real anxiety condition. Around 1 in 3 people suffer from it and it can affect your ability to learn maths, perform in maths exams, and function in maths in every day life. Many people may be experiencing it without even realising what it is.

It can be formed by having either traumatic or just painful experiences with maths in the past, often when learning at school. It can lead sufferers to avoid maths where possible, causing you to not be able to handle finances, or other day-to-day uses of maths.

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Read the following articles for more information about Maths Anxiety and how you can overcome it.


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Maths Resources

Everyone needs a little help from time to time!


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